Thursday, February 25, 2010


My new blog can be found here: This blog will be deleted in 1 month. Please update your bookmarks.

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Saturday, September 5, 2009


...have come once again and with it some very exciting things (at least I think they're exciting :) ).

  • after much thought, I have changed my design name to aMusing deSigns which is in keeping with my amused state of mind...

  • with the name change comes an all-new site that you can check out here.

  • this blog will be closed very soon and all future updates will be accessed at aMusing deSigns.

  • my store at Osten Wilkins Designs will be open within the next week.

  • my store at ScrappingFx will be open within the next month.

  • my store at both aMusing deSigns and Petite Digi Scraps are currently being configured with the openings planned as soon as completion allows.

  • the ActionFx Ezine is moving to its own blog very shortly, and we are publishing a new issue later this month and a very special double issue is planned for October.

What does this mean for you? If you've followed my designs and would like to continue, please update your bookmarks with the new name and location: aMusing deSigns.

I hope you will join me at my new site and thank you for your continued patronage!

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Wednesday, July 8, 2009

June 09 AFX Files Released!

Pick up your free copy at the AFX Blog! Enjoy!

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Monday, June 1, 2009

Revision - AFX Files

If you have already downloaded the May09 Ezine, please note that the freebie link inside has been corrected and now points to the May freebies. Please go back to the AFX Blog and re-download the ezine. Thanks!

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May 09 AFX Files

The May issue of the AFX Files is available now.

You can pick up your free copy at the ActionFX Blog!

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Tuesday, May 5, 2009

New Branding...

... of kimsmith designs! At least until the fall........don't you just love the clean look of this template?

Check out my branding on my Live Space page:

Check out my branding on my Twitter page:

Facebook doesn't permit this type of personalization :(.

New blinkies are coming soon!

You can click the Find Me links on the sidebar to reach my other pages.

I've updated each of my pages here on the main site, most notably My Layout Artistry page......check out the gallery I installed by clicking the link in the bar above. CT Artistry galleries to be installed very soon!

Thanks for stopping by...

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Thursday, April 23, 2009

You can pick up your free copy of The AFX Files at the AFX Blog!

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